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Staff Members
Samir Jahjah joined PFTAC in August 2022. Prior to joining the PFTAC team Samir served as Center Director of AFRITAC West – the IMF’s West African Assistance Center based in Abidjan. With more than 20 years as an IMF economist, he has extensive experience in program and surveillance work – his most recent assignments include IMF mission chief for the Central African Republic, IMF Resident Representative for Ghana and for the Democratic Republic of Congo. In these assignments he played a key role in program design, negotiations, and program monitoring – supporting the authorities implement their development, capacity development, and economic agenda and engaging closely with development partners and various stakeholders.
Before joining the IMF, Samir was an assistant professor for several years at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium. Samir holds a PhD in Economics and a Master in Econometrics. Samir is a Belgian
Andrew Beaumont, Macroeconomic Analysis Advisor
Andrew joined PFTAC in January 2020 as the macroeconomic adviser. He has 20 years of experience in macro-fiscal and broader macroeconomic analysis and forecasting including at the Australian Treasury where he worked on monetary and fiscal policy, macroprudential regulation, and labor market analysis. He has five years of work experience in the Pacific for the Australian Treasury as an embedded technical adviser in both Papua New Guinea (macro-fiscal) and the Solomon Islands (economic reform).
In the Australian Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet he served as the Senior Adviser G20 and International Economy, covering global debt sustainability and macroeconomic policy responses to the Global Financial Crisis. More recently, Andrew was the Executive Branch Manager responsible for economic and revenue forecasting, economic reporting, demographic projections, long term fiscal modelling and Tax Expenditure analysis for the Australian Capital Territory Treasury. He is graduate of the Australian National University.
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Paul Seeds, Public Financial Management Advisor
Paul Seeds, a British national, is replacing Richard Neves as resident PFM advisor. Paul joined PFTAC October 1, 2020 from East AFRITAC, IMF’s technical assistance center for East Africa, where he has worked for the past five years. Starting his overseas career in Kiribati, he has worked extensively with many development partners covering 20 countries, in a career spanning nearly 40 years.
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Iulai Lavea, Public Financial Management Advisor
Iulai joined PFTAC in August 2020. Iulai is a Samoan national and brings a wealth of Pacific and Public Financial Management experience to PFTAC. He was the Chief Executive Officer for the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Samoa for nine years until December 2018. Prior to that, he was the Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Policy Management) for many years. He joined the World Bank Constituency Office representing the Pacific and was based in Washington DC as the Adviser to the Executive Director during 2006 to 2009. He also had a brief stint as the Planning Adviser to the Government of Nauru in 2005/06, and earlier in his career worked at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat in Suva during the period 1991 – 96.
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Rajinder Kumar, Financial Sector Supervision Advisor
Rajinder is an Indian national who joined PFTAC on August 1, 2020 as the Financial Sector Supervision (FSS) resident advisor. Before PFTAC, Rajinder completed a multi-topic three-year assignment as an IMF advisor on banking regulation, supervision and financial stability with the Bank of Albania. He brings with him extensive experience in financial sector regulation, banking supervision, and macro prudential policies, which he gained through his 28-year long career with Reserve Bank of India. Rajinder also worked for three years with the Bank for International Settlements at Basel where he supported Basel Committee’s Regulatory Consistency Assessment Program and a few of Basel Committee’s technical policy making groups. In Albania, Rajinder has helped Bank of Albania introduce Basel III reforms in the country and complete implementation of Pillar 2 of Basel capital adequacy framework. Rajinder holds an MBA in Financial Management and FRM certification from GARP.
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Katrina Williams, Revenue Administration Advisor II
Katrina Williams joined PFTAC as the second resident Revenue Administration Advisor in October 2021. She has 40 years public sector experience, the last 24 years in Inland Revenue in New Zealand. She brings expertise in the design and delivery of all core revenue functions, in strategic and multi-year planning, and in compliance-related intervention design.
With an extensive background in organizational reform, revenue administration modernization, and change and innovation, latterly Katrina led Inland Revenue’s organizational design and change group. Katrina feels a real affinity with the Pacific, not the least that she is of Pacific, Maori, and European background, but also building an understanding and appreciation of the Pacific as the New Zealand Inland Revenue observer at the Pacific Island Tax Administrators Association (PITAA) annual conferences for a number of years, and before joining PFTAC on a full-time basis contributed to the PFTAC revenue program as an IMF short-term expert.
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John McAlister, Revenue Administration Advisor
John has come directly to PFTAC from Thimphu Bhutan where he was Resident Advisor. Over 35 years John has led large and complex change programs that have changed the way that people deal with Tax authorities, how businesses deal with government and with each other. This includes working in Whole-of Government programs, the Australian Taxation Office, private sector business change and digital enablement and with IMF. Most recently John supported Bhutan with preparation for Goods and Services Tax, along with the new Bhutan Integrated Taxation (Administration) System (BITS). John is passionate about innovation, business process reengineering and the transformational benefits of ‘digital’ in addressing disadvantage, creating transparency, delivering better business outcomes and improved user experience. He understands that data is the ‘new’ lifeblood of administration and has never been more in focus than in the modern digital economy. Yet this can only be meaningful in the unique context and culture of the people and country.
Ian James Nield, Macroeconomic Advisor
Prior to joining PFTAC in March 2023, Ian had been an Economist/Lecturer at the IMF’s Africa Training Institute since 2016, and prior to that the Monetary Operations Adviser with the IMF’s Bangkok-based Capacity Development Office in Thailand.
From 1998-2013 Ian was a senior central bank official with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Ian has worked “in and around” financial stability in many ways for more than two decades, primarily taking a pragmatic approach to solve problems.
Ian studied at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand and at Cranfield University in England. He read Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics at Waikato where he was awarded an MSc (Hons) degree. At Cranfield he read Physics for his PhD.
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Juan Carlos, Public Debt Management Resident Advisor
Juan Carlos has recently joined the IMF as LTX in May 2024 as Public Debt Management Resident Advisor in PFTAC. He is a Spanish national with over 25 years professional experience in strategic analysis of debt in a policy advisory context, including, public debt management strategy, fiscal sustainability analysis and resource mobilization strategies. His experience covers over 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Pacific. He has been supporting Government officials, at various levels, in formulating debt management strategies, developing domestic currency bond market and assessing the existing debt management framework.
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Donna Grcman, Regional Adviser on Real Sector Statistics r
Before her assignment as a Regional Adviser on Real Sector Statistics (i.e. national accounts and price statistics) at PFTAC, Donna Grcman spent five years working as the real sector statistics adviser in AFRITAC West 2 and five years in AFRITAC South. Prior to this she worked for the Australian Bureau of Statistics in various economic statistical areas. She spent the majority of time working on the production of the Australian National Accounts as well as classifications and business surveys. She has also been engaged as an expert in the IMF missions on national accounts statistics: to Botswana, Namibia and Mauritius in Africa; and Laos in South-East Asia prior to working at AFRITAC West 2.
Maria Nina Samuela, Office Manager
Nina joined the Centre in 1993. Prior to this she worked in Tapa Tours Ltd as a travel consultant and American Express Supervisor and 3 years with USAID.
Nina leads a team of 4 local staff who provide support to the 6 PFTAC programs, Financial Sector Supervision, Government Finance Statistics, Macro-Economics, Public Financial Management, Real Sector Statistics and Revenue Administration. She provides support to the Center Coordinator, is responsible for office management.
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Elenoa Bogiwalu, Senior Administrative Assistant (Information/Operations)
Elenoa is responsible for the general administration of the Centre, including mission documentation, IT systems, external communications and publications. She worked previously at the RBF and the ILO. She provides support to the 2 PFM Advisors and Financial Sector Supervision TA Sectors.
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Shane Prasad, Analyst
Ms. Shane Prasad joined PFTAC in August 2018. She assists the Centre Director and Resident Advisors in the production of annual workplans, preparing quarterly and annual reports, and monitoring the implementation of program activities and budget. She also supports the development and maintenance of the results-based management (RBM) framework at the Centre. Before joining PFTAC, Shane worked at Fiji Revenue and Customs Service and holds a Master of Commerce in Accounting from University of the South Pacific.
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Kalara Raidruta, Administrative Assistant
Kalara is Administrative Assistant and Receptionist joined the PFTAC team in June 2019. In addition to general administrative responsibilities of the Centre, including the first face and voice of PFTAC for visitors and callers, Kalara provides support to the Real Sector and Government Finance Sectors programs. Kalara previously worked at the Australian High Commission in Suva.
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Roznin Rukshana, Administrative Assistant
Roznin joined the Centre in September 2023. Prior to this she worked at the High Commission of India. She comes with 16 years of experience in Diplomatic Organization, Ticketing officer, International / Domestic and Human Resources at Air Fiji Limited. In addition to the administrative responsibilities of the Centre, including the first face and voice of PFTAC for visitors and callers, Roznin provides support to the Macroeconomic Adviser.
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Spencer Nigel Robinson
Spencer Nigel Robinson joined PFTAC in July 2024. Prior to joining the PFTAC team, Spencer served as a Procurement Officer (Goods & Travel) for the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) Office in Suva. In his other previous assignments, he worked for the Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) Secretariat, Biosecurity Authority of Fiji, and the Ministry of Agriculture.
Spencer has more than 15 years of consolidated work experience in the areas of executive and administrative support, general agriculture and trade facilitation from a biosecurity lens.
In addition to the administrative responsibilities of the Centre, including the first face and voice of PFTAC for visitors and callers, Spencer provides support to two Advisors specializing in Government Finance Statistics and Public Financial Management.